Debugging Skill

Debugging Skill

Debugging is an Art!!


My friends often ask me, "Hey! What's happening here? Why is this showing error here?", during learning new things, during implementing different things, we often get errors. Yah! asking folks who have more knowledge in this domain is great, but we should also have the skills to debug those errors ourselves since we can't always have people who will help us with even minor bugs. So for beginners, I am mentioning some good practices to follow to debug your errors easily.

Key points to keep in mind for better debugging

  1. You all know that for developers, google is the best friend. Stuck at anything? just google it! The one who knows how to google things becomes more powerful debugger.

  2. Nowadays we have the ai tools in hand, chatgpt, bard, many others tools which can help us debug our errors so fast, I have been using chatgpt and bard so frequently these days that any bug or any new concept which comes in front of me, I just use these tools and these tools are helping me a lot in understanding new concepts as well as debug my errors so fast. You just need to give some good prompts to these tools and you will see the magic!

  3. And you have always got the Stack Overflow and the GitHub discussions in your hand, Uffff! how to say, maximum of my errors I just find them in Stack Overflow or in the GitHub discussions, they are truly helpful. If you still don't find the solutions to your errors(which will not happen I guess), you can always post your errors on those platforms and the folks who know the solution will always come and help you there.

  4. If you still don't find the error or don't understand the solutions from the above platforms, you can always go to youtube and search for your errors. Many times it happened to me that I didn't understand the solution from the above platforms but the yt video had helped me in understanding the solution to my error. But yah! it's true that you will not find a solution to every error on Youtube still nowadays many folks are making videos solving several issues, so yah it's a good thing for the community.

  5. Finally, if none of the above things work, you can always approach to a person you know who can help you out with your error! There is no shame in asking about our doubts or errors, its part of our journey.

So I hope all the above points will help you debug your errors faster and become a powerful debugger, if you have any other points to add, feel free to do so in the comments and also don't forget to share this post with your friends or someone who may require this. If you have any doubts regarding this, please don't hesitate to ask in the comments.